- Is your family Big ? 你的家人多吗?
- Everybody is fine, and how is your family? 大家都很好,你的家人呢?
- Oh,is your family with you on this trip? 啊,这次旅行您家人和您一起来吗?
- Is your family going to visit our grandparents? 你们全家人要去探望我们祖父母吗?
- Is your salary adequate to support your family? 你的薪水足够养家吗?
- Oh, is your family with you on this trip? 啊,这次旅行您家人和您一起来吗?
- Bey Logan: Where is your family originally from? 贝根:如果你的家人是来自?
- Or is your family life going to be merely beer on ice. 或者你的家庭生活的内容只有冰镇啤酒?
- This might be a personal question, but is your family religious? 意思是私人问题。
- How big is your family? 你家有几口人?
- Whatever you do, whenever you go, here is your family praying for you and expecting your coming back to have a look. 无论你走到哪里,请记住,这里还有你的一个家。常进来聊聊!
- This is your big chance! ie your best opportunity of success. 这是你的大好机会!
- It is your personal archives: a collection of material that records important events from your family's history. 这就是您的个人档案馆:一个汇集了记录着您家重要历史事件资料的地方。
- Stealing reflects dishonour on your family. 偷窃行为会使家人蒙羞。
- Is your family receiving any financial assistance from other organization or person? 您家庭目前是否有接受任何机构或人士的经济援助?
- American may sometimes call you by your given name by mistake,because he wants to be polite and thinks that is your family name. 美国人有时会误称你的名字,因为他想做出有礼貌的表示而把你的名字误认为姓。
- How old is your sister? She is thirteen years old. 你的姊妹几岁?她十三岁。
- American may sometimes call you by your given name by mistake, because he wants to be polite and thinks that is your family name. 美国人有时会误称你的名字,因为他想做出有礼貌的表示而把你的名字误认为姓。
- Which one of the books is your pick? 你选哪本书?
- You have put your family through much suffering. 你让你全家受了不少苦。